Orion in Halpha by Shoaib Usman Banday
Celestron C8 A-XLT, 0.63x reducer, ASI1600mmPro with Astronomik Ha and Oiii Filters, AVX, 1.7 Hours exposure, APT controlled
M 42 region by Umair Asim
Small portion of M 42 area
C14, SBIG CCD, Astrodon Luminance filter, Exposure 60 min
M 42, Hubble image comparison
Colored image is of Hubble Space Telescope.. Mono image on the right is taken from Lahore.
C14, SBIG CCD, Astrodon Luminance filter, Exposure 60 min
California Nebula by Shoaib Usman Banday
Skywatcher Startravel 105mm Aperture 500mm Fl, F4.9 Achromat, ASI1600mmPro with Astronomik Ha and Oiii Filters, AVX, 2.7 Hours exposure, APT controlled
Horsehead and Flame Nebula by Shoaib Usman Banday
Skywatcher Startravel 105mm Aperture 500mm Fl, F4.9 Achromat, ASI1600mmPro with Astronomik Ha and Oiii Filters, AVX, 2.7 Hours exposure, APT controlled
Crab Nebula by Shoaib Usman Banday
Celestron C8 A-XLT, 0.63x reducer, ASI1600mmPro with Astronomik Ha and Oiii Filters, AVX, 1.7 Hours exposure, APT controlled
Tadpoles Nebula by Shoaib Usman Banday
Skywatcher Startravel 105mm Aperture 500mm Fl, F4.9 Achromat, ASI1600mmPro with Astronomik Ha and Oiii Filters, AVX, 3.3 Hours exposure, APT controlled
MonkeyHead Nebula by Shoaib Usman Banday
Skywatcher Startravel 105mm Aperture 500mm Fl, F4.9 Achromat, ASI1600mmPro with Astronomik Ha and Oiii Filters, AVX, 3.3 Hours exposure, APT controlled
Seagull Nebula by Shoaib Usman Banday
Skywatcher Startravel 105mm Aperture 500mm Fl, F4.9 Achromat, ASI1600mmPro with Astronomik Ha and Oiii Filters, AVX, 4 Hours exposure, APT controlled
Western Veil Nebula by Shoaib Usman Banday
Skywatcher Startravel 105mm Aperture 500mm Fl, F4.9 Achromat, ASI1600mmPro with Astronomik Ha and Oiii Filters, AVX, 4 Hours exposure, APT controlled
Cone Nebula by Muhammad Ali